Is your mind an idea factory?

If you have a passion for the business of advertising and a love of big ideas, we have a lot in common. Join our vibrant community of creative thinkers, writers, art directors and designers and help our clients solve big brand challenges.

Ideas wanted. Ideas rewarded.

Live Projects

Live Projects

Here's how we work.

1. First, we help our client develop an inspiring brief. Our briefs are sharp, well thought through and to the point. In short, we work hard to bring you a brief that stimulates the creative imagination.

2. We post the brief on our site. We typically allow roughly two weeks for creative ideas to be submitted.

3. We evaluate every submission, ultimately shortlisting the best ideas based on two simple criteria: Is the idea on strategy and is the idea insanely great?

Once we and the client reach agreement on which ideas deliver best according to our common criteria, we reward the winning entrants.

Seeing it through.

Where possible, we like to stay engaged with the originator(s) of the idea to move the work forward to production. This step depends on the nature of the concept and the specifics that might be involved.

Our Culture.

Inclusive, open and transparent except in cases where we’re asked to retain confidentiality.

We host calls with clients on live projects so that you’re able to ask questions about the brief.

Office hours are available to members who wish to discuss their work with our creative director.

We inspire your creativity via postings on our noticeboard sourced from the industry’s best minds.

Our clients include:


How am I rewarded?

There are multiple cash awards available for every project.


By being exposed to your particular skills, we’re also able to introduce you to freelance opportunities should they arise from the executional phase of the work. This could include implementing your own winning idea or building on another.


Additionally, we monitor participation and leaderboard ranking to further reward members, including exclusive access to private briefs.

What is the difference between competition formats?

We offer clients two different competition structures depending on their needs.


Open call: Brief is made available to the whole community to further enhance diverse perspectives.


Private call: Brief is password-protected and restricted to a smaller group, where particular creative expertise is well-suited to the brand issue. These projects sometimes offer better financial incentives.

We will invite qualified members based on past performance as well as their profile details. Anyone who has not received an invitation is welcome to request access to the brief which we will consider based on project requirements.

Who are the people in Crowdiate’s creative community?

Creative directors, writers and art directors at every level whether they’re just starting out in their careers or seasoned veterans. Some may be working in agencies, some are steady freelancers.

What visual presentation quality is expected?

Great execution can help elevate an idea, but at this initial stage of development, sound copy or rough sketches are perfectly acceptable. Just be sure you’re helping us and the client understand your thinking clearly to give yourself every chance of success. (Check out some past winning examples on project pages.)

Can I use my work in my portfolio?

If your entry was not selected as a winner, you own your idea and can include it in your portfolio after results are announced.


If your entry is selected as a winner, you will be compensated by the client in exchange for the transfer of rights to your idea. In such cases, we can request permission for you to use the idea in your portfolio and to get credit for industry press and awards.